Ensuring traceability and quality for requirement management


Join our live webi­nar to learn how you can ensure tra­ce­abi­li­ty and qua­li­ty for require­ment mana­ge­ment in the oil & gas industry.

Sin­ce the first wave of digi­ta­liza­tion in the oil and gas industry some 30 years ago, require­ments have been car­ved not in sto­ne, but in PDF docu­ments. This has cau­sed enor­mous effort when mana­ging chan­ge and in com­mu­ni­ca­tion betwe­en par­ti­ci­pants col­la­bo­ra­tion in diffe­rent pro­jects, such as offs­ho­re field devel­op­ment projects.

Today’s busi­ness chal­len­ges in the oil and gas industry requi­re more agi­le way of wor­king. Digi­ta­liza­tion is again on the agen­da and time has come to chan­ge work prac­tices to take benefit from richer infor­ma­tion sources.

Pola­rion ALM soft­ware has pro­ven to be a tool that brings com­plex, multi­disci­pline pro­jects to a new level when it comes to areas like col­la­bo­ra­tion, tra­ce­abi­li­ty, mana­ging chan­ge and per­for­ming impact analysis.

In this 60 min­utes live webi­nar we will discuss:

  • The cur­rent stan­dards that orga­niza­tions in the oil and gas industry need to com­ply with.
  • Some of the benefits a devel­op­ment pro­ject can achie­ve from get­ting access to tools that help mana­ging stan­dards and other gover­ning require­ments in diffe­rent pha­ses of a project.
  • How Pola­rion can impro­ve chan­ge management.
  • Use case from Equi­nor, a glo­bal energy com­pany that energizes the lives of 170 mil­lion people.

About the Equi­nor use case:

In 2014 Equi­nor rea­lized that the end had come for hand­ling tech­ni­cal require­ments as text in Word docu­ments and pub­lish­ing them as PDF files. The back­ground was the increas­ing cost level in the oil and gas industry, were some of the cost was related to enor­mous num­ber of require­ments dis­tri­buted out in the value chain as part of con­tracts. The­re­fore Equi­nor star­ted a process for moving towards modern require­ment hand­ling prin­ci­pals, and have sin­ce 2016 used Pola­rion as the tool for mana­ging tech­ni­cal require­ments. The use case will be about the jour­ney and the achieve­ments so far.

The pre­sen­ters are:

Rune Laegreid, CEO of Intech AS – a Sie­mens PLM Soft­ware part­ner in Norway.

Rune has been wor­king with Pola­rion sin­ce 2016 and has advi­sing seve­r­al com­pa­nies in their effort to impro­ve work proces­ses and qua­li­ty in require­ment and test mana­ge­ment. Rune has a master’s degree in engi­neer­ing and has been involved in seve­r­al para­digm shifts in the oil and gas industry sin­ce intro­duc­tion of 3D CAD in the 1980a.

Tor­leif Salt­vedt, Pro­ject Lea­der Mana­ge­ment Sys­tem in Equinor.

Tor­leif has been wor­king in the bor­der lands­cape betwe­en tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion and require­ment mana­ge­ment sin­ce 1995, both as aut­hor and user of require­ments related to tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion. Sin­ce 2015 he has been respon­s­ib­le for imple­men­ta­tion of Pola­rion as the tool for wri­ting tech­ni­cal require­ments in Equinor.

For more infor­ma­tion and regist­ra­tion, please visit our web­si­te.

If you would you like to get in con­tact with us right now please send us an email.

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